Monday, October 22, 2007

A good day...

Finished the Descendants treatment last night. The final page count was 22 pages, including cover page.

I was wild about it because, quite frankly, it rocks. I'm not going to say it's the best thing ever written, but I think plot-wise it's the best thing I've ever written, and that's what excited the hell out of me. Inspiration struck and this great story just all fell into place. At the end of it I had written something that I would love to pay to see in a theatre, to say nothing of having the privilege of making it.

I sent it off and I bit my nails wondering what the others would think. Would Chris (the producer) think it was too expensive or complicated? Would Joey balk at the liberties I had taken with some of the material? Would Ray come back with "I already did a film like this"?

I really thought I had captured what everyone liked about the comics, what compelled them to want to make the film in the first place, but I couldn't be sure. So you can imagine my relief when Ray -- who doesn't often respond unless he's really moved to -- e-mailed back saying "I really like it, great job guys." I saw Chris to drop off a DVD copy of the teaser, and when I asked what he thought, he just grinned and nodded. Shortly after that, Joey called and he was really excited, saying it really captured what we were trying to achieve in our development of the project.

In other words, everyone liked it.

I'm just thrilled to death because this is a movie I would positively love to shoot, and it looks like that's the goal. There are a few notes, which I agree with, and after I finish this other project next week, I write the script, and then we look for funding.

There's nothing more thrilling, or rewarding, than to finish a project thinking "I nailed this" and have the people who make the calls say "yep, you nailed it."

Also, the spaghetti sauce I made for dinner tonight was absolutely perfect. I am ON today.


Katie said...

Yum, sketti. Yes, that sauce was spot on. Too bad the sinus infection (or whatever this is) kept me from enjoying it as much as I'd've liked to :/

MasterDarksol said...

As you said when you IM'd me around 'quitting time':
"Everything's coming up MILHOUSE!"

Daniel Broadway said...

That's great. I'm excited for you. 22 pages that fast is no small order. Good job.